Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Marinades, Marinades, Marinades!

Something to know about me, I fuckin love meat. Don't get me wrong, I love my veggies and starches too. But chances are, if it used to be walking around I want to eat it. (There are of course exceptions to this rule, most of them having to do with certain organ meats, but you get my drift). And so it only follows that I love me some marinades. It's amazing what a little acidity and some tasty ingredients will do to transform a cheap, tough piece of meat into something fabulous. Here are my favs for beef, pork and lamb. I'm not sure of the proportions cause I usually just throw it all together in a bowl. (You'll also probably notice a certain similarity between the three...but hey, if it works, right?)

I like to make fork holes in the meat on both sides before adding it to the marinade. Some people think this sacrilege, but then I'm an atheist so there.

Marinade #1 - Beef

olive oil
soy sauce
dijon mustard
lemon juice
chopped garlic
chopped fresh parsley

Marinade #2 - Pork

olive oil
cider vinegar
dijon mustard
fresh rosemary
fresh thyme
chopped garlic

Marinade #3 - Lamb

olive oil
lemon juice
soy sauce
chopped garlic
chopped parsley
dried thyme, oregano, rosemary

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

'bout damn time... and don't hate on the worcestershire.