Saturday, March 1, 2008

Pick me up!

I'm not that much of a dessert person, give me something salty over something sweet any day. But the exception proves the rule, right? And so I give you Tiramisu, a caffeinated alcoholic dessert! What's not to love about espresso, cognac and sugar soaking little cakes, sandwiched between fluffy eggs. And this is perfect for entertaining because you don't have to bake anything and you can make it ahead of time. A purist might insist on making the ladyfingers from scratch, but the store-bought ones are just as good.

Disclaimer: this recipe does have raw eggs in it...but hey, something's gonna kill you, live a little.

Tiramisu (This recipe is adapted from Desserts, edited by Rosemary Wilkinson)

1 lb marscapone
5 eggs, at room temperature
1/2 c plus 1 tbsp sugar
pinch of salt
ladyfingers, enough to line the dish twice
1/2 c strong espresso coffee
1/4 c cognac
unsweetened cocoa powder

Separate the eggs. Beat the egg yolks with the sugar (reserving 1 tbsp) until pale yellow and fluffy. Gradually beat in the marscapone.
Beat the egg whites and salt until they form stiff peaks. Fold into the marscapone mixture.
Combine the espresso, cognac and reserved 1 tbsp sugar together.
Line a large dish ladyfingers. The dish should be at least 1 1/2 - 2 inches deep.
Pour half of the espresso mixture evenly over the ladyfingers. Cover with half the egg mixture.
Make another layer of ladyfingers and pour the rest of the espresso mixture over them. Cover with the remaining egg mixture.
Chill for at least an hour.
Before serving, sprinkle the cocoa powder over the top.


seriously said...

ok, when am I coming over for dessert?

Papagayo said...

reserving comment until i try it myself... which is happening when?

Muffin said...

sounds like I'm gonna have to get on this one....
whenever you want, I just need a day's notice.